Worshipful Master: Douglas R. DulaneySecretary: Carl H.Dunn Jr, PDDGM
Monday, March 6th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 13th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 20th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 27th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
March 2023 Trestleboard
Scheduled Monthly
Friday, March 10, 2023, 7:30pm
Stated Communication
"Making Masons At Sight"
Most Worshipful Brother Alan W. Adkins, PGM
Dinner 6:30pm
Tomato Bisque, Artisanal Grilled Cheese, Fresh Salad
Suggested Donation - $15.00
Stated Communication
"Making Masons At Sight"
Most Worshipful Brother Alan W. Adkins, PGM
Dinner 6:30pm
Tomato Bisque, Artisanal Grilled Cheese, Fresh Salad
Suggested Donation - $15.00
Class Nights
**Ritual Class NOW Begins at 7:00pm, unless otherwise specified**
Monday, March 6th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 13th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 20th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
Monday, March 27th - RITUAL CLASS - 7:00pm
District Classes
Dates to Remember
Saturday, March 4th, 8:00 am
Washington & Lee York Rite College Meeting
@ Manasseh Lodge
Saturday, March 11th, 10:00 am
Virginia College - Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis
@ Manasseh Lodge
Saturday, March 25th, 12:00 pm
Wimoudausis Chapter No. 106 - Order of the Eastern Star - Installation of Officers
@ Manasseh Lodge
Monday, March 27th, 7:00 pm
Masonic Book Club
via Zoom
Chapter Two of Wilmshurst's "The Masonic Initiation"
Washington & Lee York Rite College Meeting
@ Manasseh Lodge
Saturday, March 11th, 10:00 am
Virginia College - Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis
@ Manasseh Lodge
Saturday, March 25th, 12:00 pm
Wimoudausis Chapter No. 106 - Order of the Eastern Star - Installation of Officers
@ Manasseh Lodge
Monday, March 27th, 7:00 pm
Masonic Book Club
via Zoom
Chapter Two of Wilmshurst's "The Masonic Initiation"
A message from the Worshipful Master
Manasseh Family, I hope everyone is happily wishing away the last vestiges of Winter, as we move into the warmer days of Spring (although as I write this, I am staring out my window and seeing snow flurries.)
I want to thank all the members of the Manasseh Family who joined us as we visited the George Washington Masonic National Memorial for the 100th Anniversary Rededication Ceremony of the Cornerstone. It was a fabulous day, with great weather, great camaraderie, and meeting new friends and Brothers!
We will be holding our March Stated Communication on Friday, March 10, 2023, at 7:30 pm, with Dinner at 6:30 pm.
Our Program for March’s Stated Communication will be provided by a dear friend of our Lodge, Most Worshipful Brother Alan Adkins, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, who will regale us with stories about the interesting process of Grand Masters making Masons “At Sight.” Dinner will be served by the Lodge, and will consist of Homemade Tomato Bisque, Artisanal Grilled Cheese, and Fresh Salad. The suggested donation is $10.00.
May the Great Architect of the Universe keep his gaze upon you, surround you with blessings and joy, and bestow unto you an open heart filled with Brotherly Love and Caritas towards all. May He continue to shower you with Grace and a Love that knows no bounds.
I want to thank all the members of the Manasseh Family who joined us as we visited the George Washington Masonic National Memorial for the 100th Anniversary Rededication Ceremony of the Cornerstone. It was a fabulous day, with great weather, great camaraderie, and meeting new friends and Brothers!
We will be holding our March Stated Communication on Friday, March 10, 2023, at 7:30 pm, with Dinner at 6:30 pm.
Our Program for March’s Stated Communication will be provided by a dear friend of our Lodge, Most Worshipful Brother Alan Adkins, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, who will regale us with stories about the interesting process of Grand Masters making Masons “At Sight.” Dinner will be served by the Lodge, and will consist of Homemade Tomato Bisque, Artisanal Grilled Cheese, and Fresh Salad. The suggested donation is $10.00.
May the Great Architect of the Universe keep his gaze upon you, surround you with blessings and joy, and bestow unto you an open heart filled with Brotherly Love and Caritas towards all. May He continue to shower you with Grace and a Love that knows no bounds.
γενηθητω φως - “Let There Be Light”
Yours in Brotherhood,
Joe Martinez
Worshipful Master
March 2023 Calendar
Blood ID: #1148
Blood Coordinator: Bro. George Harrington, Jr.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
| 2 I.O.R.G. BOARD 7:00PM | 3
| 4 YRSC 8:00AM | |||
| 6 LODGE CLASS 7:00PM | 7
| 13 LODGE CLASS 7:00PM | 14 I.O.R.G. ASSEMBLY NO. 13 7:00PM | 15
| 16 AMARANTH DESTINY CT. 14 7:30PM DINNER 6:30PM | 17
| 18
| 24
26 DISTRICT 4 SLOT #2 5:30PM ZOOM | 27 MASONIC BOOK CLUB @ZOOM 7:00PM | 28 I.O.R.G. ASSEMBLY NO. 13 7:00PM | 29
| 30
| 31
Appendant Bodies
Manassas Royal Arch Chapter No. 81
Tom Costis, High Priest, 703-209-0195
C.A. Sinclair, Jr. Council No. 412 A.M.D.
Gary Sprifke, Sovereign Master
WIMODAUSIS Chapter No. 106, O.E.S.
Tracey Nejad, Worthy Matron, 614-565-4590
Reza Nejad, Worthy Patron, 703-808-3364
Destiny Court No. 14, Order of Amaranth
Deborah Smith, Royal Matron
Clancy Nidell, Royal Patron, 703-869-9163
Manassas Assembly No. 13, I.O.R.G.
Jen Chwirut, Mother Advisor, 703-896-8249
Prince William Chapter Order of DeMolay
Wyatt Hamrick, Chapter Dad, 703-335-2774
Tom Costis, High Priest, 703-209-0195
C.A. Sinclair, Jr. Council No. 412 A.M.D.
Gary Sprifke, Sovereign Master
WIMODAUSIS Chapter No. 106, O.E.S.
Tracey Nejad, Worthy Matron, 614-565-4590
Reza Nejad, Worthy Patron, 703-808-3364
Destiny Court No. 14, Order of Amaranth
Deborah Smith, Royal Matron
Clancy Nidell, Royal Patron, 703-869-9163
Manassas Assembly No. 13, I.O.R.G.
Jen Chwirut, Mother Advisor, 703-896-8249
Prince William Chapter Order of DeMolay
Wyatt Hamrick, Chapter Dad, 703-335-2774
Carl Dunn Jr., PDDGM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Catechism Instructors
Thomas C. Costis, PM
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Living Past Masters
1968 - L.W. Bolton, Jr.^
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
2005 - J.S. Holbrook
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
Honorary Members
L.W. Bolton *^
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
50/60 Year Members Not Listed Elsewhere
T.G. Evans #
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
W.C. McCalla, II #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
* - PM
** - PDDGM
*** - PGM
# - 50 Year
^ - 60 Year
^^ - 70 Year
† - Demitted