Worshipful Master: Joseph H. Martinez, PMSecretary: Douglas R. Dulaney, PM 
Blood ID: #1148

July 2018 Trestleboard
Scheduled Monthly
Friday, July 6th 7:30 pm
Stated Communication
Dinner at 6:30PM by P.W. Chapter Order of DeMolay
Program: John Phillips, PM and LEO
Stated Communication
Dinner at 6:30PM by P.W. Chapter Order of DeMolay
Program: John Phillips, PM and LEO
Class Nights
Monday, July 9th 7:30 pm
Monday, July 16th 7:30 pm
Monday, July 23rd 7:30 pm
Monday, July 30th 7:30 pm
Monday, July 16th 7:30 pm
Monday, July 23rd 7:30 pm
Monday, July 30th 7:30 pm
District Classes
Wednesday, July 18th 7:00 pm
District Class - Manasseh Lodge No. 182 - FellowCraft Degree
District Class - Manasseh Lodge No. 182 - FellowCraft Degree
Dates to Remember
Saturday, July 21st 11:00 am
Grand Master's Official VIsit to Districts 2/3/4
Picnic - Dress is Casual
Sunday, July 22nd 2:00 pm
Manassas IORG Assembly No. 13
Installation of Officers
Grand Master's Official VIsit to Districts 2/3/4
Picnic - Dress is Casual
Sunday, July 22nd 2:00 pm
Manassas IORG Assembly No. 13
Installation of Officers
A message from the Worshipful Master
Greetings and Welcome Brethren to the July Trestleboard!
I owe a big thank you to those brothers that came out to help support the Lodge's Child ID Program and the Citizenship awards. The success that a Lodge has is truly based upon the efforts of the brothers, and our lodge is fortunate and extremely blessed to have Brothers that pull together. Their efforts make every event successful and I could not do this without them. The usual cast of characters are always picking up the work load and making the lodge successful. Brother's such as Carl, Phil, Bill, Doyle, Joe, John, Wyatt, Tom, Doug, Lynwood, Bennett are just to name a few. Thank you all for your dedication to this Lodge and in always assuring in its' success. This next Message came to me from the West, so I thought I would share it with you all.
On June 2nd, Manasseh Lodge participated in the Manassas Train Days Event by offiering free Child IDs. Based on the forecast we were not optimistic to hold the event, but on Saturday morning the sun indeed arose in the East and we were greeted by a beautiful morning. Brother Doyle Meadows, who coordinated the event, must have made special arrangements with the Supreme Architect of the Universe to provide the good weather. We had five officers from the Prince William County Sherriff's Office running the computers throughout the day. Even our own Brother, Deputy Sherriff Terry Fernley joined us later in the day to assist. In addition to Brother Doyle Meadows and Phil Sommers who set up the booth, Brothers Rick Norris, RW Carl Dunn and Brother Joe Martinez with daughter Maribel from Manassas Rainbow assisted to sign up children. In total approximately 270 Child IDs were issued. Thank You so much Brother Phil for providing us with all the great details and thank you all for the hard work and dedication to our lodge.
Brethren on July 21st starting at 11am, the most important event of the year for our District will take place at our very own Lodge. The Official Visit of Most Worshipful Gary Wallace Taylor, the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, will take place. We will have outdoor games for the whole family and a catered Barbeque lunch at noon. This event is open to everyone so bring your wives, families, widows and friends to this spectacular event. There is no cost for those attending and the dress attire is Summer Casual. This major event is being co-hosted with Districts 2 and 3, so the turn out will be awesome. So come on out and see some old friends and make some new ones!
Flags will be flown this month on behalf of Worshipful Brother Henry L. Baerenz.
Clarence H. Nidell
Worshipful Master
I owe a big thank you to those brothers that came out to help support the Lodge's Child ID Program and the Citizenship awards. The success that a Lodge has is truly based upon the efforts of the brothers, and our lodge is fortunate and extremely blessed to have Brothers that pull together. Their efforts make every event successful and I could not do this without them. The usual cast of characters are always picking up the work load and making the lodge successful. Brother's such as Carl, Phil, Bill, Doyle, Joe, John, Wyatt, Tom, Doug, Lynwood, Bennett are just to name a few. Thank you all for your dedication to this Lodge and in always assuring in its' success. This next Message came to me from the West, so I thought I would share it with you all.
On June 2nd, Manasseh Lodge participated in the Manassas Train Days Event by offiering free Child IDs. Based on the forecast we were not optimistic to hold the event, but on Saturday morning the sun indeed arose in the East and we were greeted by a beautiful morning. Brother Doyle Meadows, who coordinated the event, must have made special arrangements with the Supreme Architect of the Universe to provide the good weather. We had five officers from the Prince William County Sherriff's Office running the computers throughout the day. Even our own Brother, Deputy Sherriff Terry Fernley joined us later in the day to assist. In addition to Brother Doyle Meadows and Phil Sommers who set up the booth, Brothers Rick Norris, RW Carl Dunn and Brother Joe Martinez with daughter Maribel from Manassas Rainbow assisted to sign up children. In total approximately 270 Child IDs were issued. Thank You so much Brother Phil for providing us with all the great details and thank you all for the hard work and dedication to our lodge.
Brethren on July 21st starting at 11am, the most important event of the year for our District will take place at our very own Lodge. The Official Visit of Most Worshipful Gary Wallace Taylor, the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia, will take place. We will have outdoor games for the whole family and a catered Barbeque lunch at noon. This event is open to everyone so bring your wives, families, widows and friends to this spectacular event. There is no cost for those attending and the dress attire is Summer Casual. This major event is being co-hosted with Districts 2 and 3, so the turn out will be awesome. So come on out and see some old friends and make some new ones!
Flags will be flown this month on behalf of Worshipful Brother Henry L. Baerenz.
Clarence H. Nidell
Worshipful Master
July 2018 Calendar

Blood Coordinator: Bro. George Harrington, Jr.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 14
| 16 LODGE CLASS 7:30PM | 17 WIMODAUSIS 106 OES 7:30PM | 18
| 19
| 20
| 27
| 28
| 30 LODGE CLASS 7:30PM | 31
Appendant Bodies
Manassas Royal Arch Chapter No. 81
Joseph H. Martinez, Sr., High Priest, 703-340-5914
C.A. Sinclair, Jr. Council No. 412 A.M.D.
Chris Chrzanowski, Sovereign Master, 703-967-0624
WIMODAUSIS Chapter No. 106, O.E.S.
Jean Wertman, Worthy Matron, 703-862-5928
Joseph H. Martinez, Sr., High Priest, 703-340-5914
C.A. Sinclair, Jr. Council No. 412 A.M.D.
Chris Chrzanowski, Sovereign Master, 703-967-0624
WIMODAUSIS Chapter No. 106, O.E.S.
Jean Wertman, Worthy Matron, 703-862-5928
Destiny Court No. 14, Order of Amaranth
Tarren Smarr, Royal Matron, 703-946-6870
Manassas Assembly No. 13, I.O.R.G.
Nancy Bushrod, Mother Adviser, 703-508-5209
Prince William Chapter Order of DeMolay
Wyatt Hamrick, Chapter Dad, 703-335-2774
Civil War Lodge of Research No. 1865
Bennet R. Hart, Worshipful Master, 571-271-2730
Tarren Smarr, Royal Matron, 703-946-6870
Manassas Assembly No. 13, I.O.R.G.
Nancy Bushrod, Mother Adviser, 703-508-5209
Prince William Chapter Order of DeMolay
Wyatt Hamrick, Chapter Dad, 703-335-2774
Civil War Lodge of Research No. 1865
Bennet R. Hart, Worshipful Master, 571-271-2730
Carl Dunn Jr., PDDGM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Catechism Instructors
Thomas C. Costis, PM
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Living Past Masters
1968 - L.W. Bolton, Jr.^
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
2005 - J.S. Holbrook
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
Honorary Members
L.W. Bolton *^
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
50/60 Year Members Not Listed Elsewhere
T.G. Evans #
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
W.C. McCalla, II #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
* - PM
** - PDDGM
*** - PGM
# - 50 Year
^ - 60 Year
^^ - 70 Year
† - Demitted