Worshipful Master: Joseph H. Martinez, PMSecretary: Douglas R. Dulaney, PM 
Happy Halloween everyone and welcome to our October Trestleboard. I have so many new things to tell you about, that I don't know where to begin. Well, let me give it a show anyway and I will start wil the multi-lodge picnic at Henry Lodge. The event was a great success and even though the rain kept our numbers lower than usual, we had over sixty people in attendance and five lodge represented. The Blood Mobile was on hand and there was plenty of great food to include my new favorite, bacon wrapped jalapeno stuffed hotdogs. Both our Rainbow and DeMolay were present and helped out where ever they could. Trevor lent a hand and helped register the blood donors and Alexis cleaned up. A Big Thank You goes out to Brother Craig Brady for pulling this all together. A great time was had by all!
As this Trestleboard reaches you, I hope that you will all be able to attend our October Stated. This month we will be having a Royal Arch Night Program, in which our very own Worshipful Donald McAndrews will be presenting a program on the Royal Arch. Our Lodge will have the distinct honor of Worshipful Don becoming the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia. If you truly seek to expand your knowledge in Freemasonry, this presentation is a must. Prior to our Stated we will be having a presentation by one of our DeMolay, Trevor Brady, who will be delivering the Flower Talk. This is the exact talk in which young Trevor competed in at the State level and won first place. I assure you that this too is a must see presentation for all.
As we move into the month, we start out with two big events. On October 4th, our Child I.D. Program will be out in full force at the Manassas Fall Jubilee helping to get those vital I.D.'s out to the community. Come out and join us along with the Prince William County Sheriff's Department to help get those children their identification. Then take some time and enjoy the Manassas Fall Jubilee and all its fun activities. Then don't forget to come by the lodge later on for our Rainbow Girl's Ice Cream Social. Our girls will be playing host and dishing out a ton of ice cream and all the toppings you can imagine. Com on by and bring a friend with you. I know that I will be there because you said the magic word, "Ice Cream!"
Yes it is that time of the year when the crisp fall weather is upon us and this means it is time for the Manasseh Annual Halloween Party, which will be held on Saturday, October 18th. Once again the lodge elves will be transforming the lodge into a spooky and haunted mansion, with plenty of witches and goblins to go around. Last year, this even was awesome with everyone dressing up in different costumes. There will be games, prizes, and plenty of candy to go around for all the little ones! Make sure to tell all your friends, neighbors, and family to come on by and enjoy in the festivities, preferable in costume, but not mandatory.
As we look forward into November a very special event will be taking place at our Stated Communication, which by the way has been moved to Tuesday, November 4th, 2014. The Grand Communication will be held in Richmond on November 7th starting at 8:00 a.m. and thus facilitated the need for us to move our Stated Communication ahead a few days. The special event will be Manasseh's very own Right Worshipful Carl H. Dunn, Jr., having his very last visit to our lodge as the 4th Masonic District Deputy Grand Master. Everyone please come out and support Rt. Worshipful Carl as he performs his last duty as our DDGM. He has also performed admirably in his duties as the Grand Master's Personal Representative. I can think of no better way to say "Thank You" to him than filling our Lodge Room with his fellow Brothers and their families. On top of all this, we will pay a special tribute to all military veterans, so I hope to see you all there.

Clarence H. Nidell
Worshipful Master
.PDF version
Blood ID: #1148

October 2014 Trestleboard
Scheduled Monthly
Class Nights
District Classes
Dates to Remember
A message from the Worshipful Master
Happy Halloween everyone and welcome to our October Trestleboard. I have so many new things to tell you about, that I don't know where to begin. Well, let me give it a show anyway and I will start wil the multi-lodge picnic at Henry Lodge. The event was a great success and even though the rain kept our numbers lower than usual, we had over sixty people in attendance and five lodge represented. The Blood Mobile was on hand and there was plenty of great food to include my new favorite, bacon wrapped jalapeno stuffed hotdogs. Both our Rainbow and DeMolay were present and helped out where ever they could. Trevor lent a hand and helped register the blood donors and Alexis cleaned up. A Big Thank You goes out to Brother Craig Brady for pulling this all together. A great time was had by all!
As this Trestleboard reaches you, I hope that you will all be able to attend our October Stated. This month we will be having a Royal Arch Night Program, in which our very own Worshipful Donald McAndrews will be presenting a program on the Royal Arch. Our Lodge will have the distinct honor of Worshipful Don becoming the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia. If you truly seek to expand your knowledge in Freemasonry, this presentation is a must. Prior to our Stated we will be having a presentation by one of our DeMolay, Trevor Brady, who will be delivering the Flower Talk. This is the exact talk in which young Trevor competed in at the State level and won first place. I assure you that this too is a must see presentation for all.
As we move into the month, we start out with two big events. On October 4th, our Child I.D. Program will be out in full force at the Manassas Fall Jubilee helping to get those vital I.D.'s out to the community. Come out and join us along with the Prince William County Sheriff's Department to help get those children their identification. Then take some time and enjoy the Manassas Fall Jubilee and all its fun activities. Then don't forget to come by the lodge later on for our Rainbow Girl's Ice Cream Social. Our girls will be playing host and dishing out a ton of ice cream and all the toppings you can imagine. Com on by and bring a friend with you. I know that I will be there because you said the magic word, "Ice Cream!"
Yes it is that time of the year when the crisp fall weather is upon us and this means it is time for the Manasseh Annual Halloween Party, which will be held on Saturday, October 18th. Once again the lodge elves will be transforming the lodge into a spooky and haunted mansion, with plenty of witches and goblins to go around. Last year, this even was awesome with everyone dressing up in different costumes. There will be games, prizes, and plenty of candy to go around for all the little ones! Make sure to tell all your friends, neighbors, and family to come on by and enjoy in the festivities, preferable in costume, but not mandatory.
As we look forward into November a very special event will be taking place at our Stated Communication, which by the way has been moved to Tuesday, November 4th, 2014. The Grand Communication will be held in Richmond on November 7th starting at 8:00 a.m. and thus facilitated the need for us to move our Stated Communication ahead a few days. The special event will be Manasseh's very own Right Worshipful Carl H. Dunn, Jr., having his very last visit to our lodge as the 4th Masonic District Deputy Grand Master. Everyone please come out and support Rt. Worshipful Carl as he performs his last duty as our DDGM. He has also performed admirably in his duties as the Grand Master's Personal Representative. I can think of no better way to say "Thank You" to him than filling our Lodge Room with his fellow Brothers and their families. On top of all this, we will pay a special tribute to all military veterans, so I hope to see you all there.

Clarence H. Nidell
Worshipful Master
.PDF version
October 2014 Calendar

Blood Coordinator: Bro. George Harrington, Jr.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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Appendant Bodies
Carl Dunn Jr., PDDGM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM
Catechism Instructors
Thomas C. Costis, PM
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM
Living Past Masters
1968 - L.W. Bolton, Jr.^
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **†
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **†
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson†
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **†
2005 - J.S. Holbrook
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez
Honorary Members
L.W. Bolton *^
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood
50/60 Year Members Not Listed Elsewhere
T.G. Evans #
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
W.C. McCalla, II #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
* - PM
** - PDDGM
*** - PGM
# - 50 Year
^ - 60 Year
^^ - 70 Year
† - Demitted