Worshipful Master: Joseph H. Martinez, PMSecretary: Douglas R. Dulaney, PM

August 2014 Trestleboard

Scheduled Monthly

Class Nights

District Classes

Dates to Remember

A message from the Worshipful Master


    As our Nation celebrated its 238th Birthday on the 4th of July, I would like to take a second to reflect on this momentous occasion. The liberties that we enjoy today are a direct result of the hard work of our founding fathers, many of whom were Master Masons. I can't imagine the fortitude that it took to be able to go against all that they knew. Each one of them had to make personal sacrifices, possibly losing everything, just so that we may be enabled to enjoy this freedom. I thank God for each and every one of the, because this is truly the greatest Nation on the planet!

    A warm greeting to all and welcome to our August Trestleboard. I hope that the "dog days of summer" are almost done, but as far as the lodge goes, we a busier than ever. The July Stated was our Wardens' move up night and they did a spectacular job, especially our younger officers. Bennett, Chris, Craig, Doug and Rob are to be congratulated on carrying the fine tradition of excellent ritualistic work that Manasseh is known for. In addition to all this, Manasseh played host to Bethel #55 Job's Daughter's International from Woodbridge for their Installation of Officers. Honored Queen Elizabeth "Lizzy" Meldrum was installed and her officers had a beautiful installation ceremony. Over 130 guests were in attendance at our Lodge and quite frankly I have never seen the lodge so full. The guest were representatives from several different Masonic organizations and the girls had an excellent time as they Karaoked to the wee hours of the night.

    Later on in the month our vary own International Order for Rainbow Girls Assembly #13 held their own Installation of Officers on July 12th. Our new Worthy Advisor became Selena Sellers. Selena and her Officers had an excellent installation. Katie Dawson, Alexis Brady and Gigi Costis received special recognition from the Assembly for their hard work. Our Assembly then witnessed the installation of the new Assembly Dad, who is none other than our very own Brother Chris Swihart. Brother Chris has very big shoes to fill because he is succeeding Right Worshipful Bill Costis who has been the only Assembly Dad since we received our Charter. Thank you Right Worshipful Bill for your years of indispensable service to our assembly and congratulations on a job well done!

    I would like to congratulate our Annual Lodge Scholarship winners on a job well done. The Lodge awarded 5 scholarships this year. Our winners were Grace White, Alana Ayers, Virginia Harlow, and Alexa Shepherd, and the winner of the Floyd "Shorty" DeLong Vetter Memorial Scholarship was Lauren Mandeville.

    As we move on through to the next month of September, Manasseh will be conferring two Master Mason Degrees. Any Master Mason who is interested in learning a part should come out to one of our lodge classes. We can always use the help here in the lodge and it is a great way of showing support to these upcoming Master Masons. Looking down the road apiece, our Lodge will have three new Entered Apprentices coming into the lodge in September, and our District 4 will be having its Annual Picnic at Henry Lodge. The picnic will be held on September 13th, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at Henry Lodge No. 57 and it will also be a combined blood drive. I look forward to seeing all of you there and let me thank you in advance for your continued support.


Clarance H. Nidell
Worshipful Master

.PDF version

August 2014 Calendar

  Blood ID: #1148
Blood Coordinator: Bro. George Harrington, Jr.






























































Appendant Bodies


Carl Dunn Jr., PDDGM
Donald L. McAndrews, PDDGM
Cliff Blasius, PM
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Wayne Bentz, PM

Catechism Instructors

Thomas C. Costis, PM
William W. Costis, PDDGM
Douglas Dulaney
John D. Stallings, III, PM
Joseph Martinez, PM

Living Past Masters

1968 - L.W. Bolton, Jr.^
1975 - E.W. Herrington, Jr. #
1977 - L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **#
1982 - J.W. Roberson **
1983 - P.A. Dixon
1984 - R.H. Dean **
1990 - M.E. Coleman
1991 - R.H. Dean **
1992 - G.A. Miller, Jr.
1994 - W.W. Costis **
1995 - C.H. Dunn, Jr. **#
1996 - W.B. Glisson
1997 - W.E. Keyton
1998 - J.S. Holbrook
1999 - W.F. Sessler#
2001 - D.L. McAndrews**#
2002 - P.J. Martin
2003 - D.C. McAndrews
2004 - R.H. Dean **
2005 - J.S. Holbrook
2006 - W.K. Edwards
2007 - J.A. Meador
2008 - J.D. Stallings, III
2009 - A.W. Bentz
2010 - A.M. Elliott
2011 - M.A. Cook
2012 - J.W. Mitchell, Jr.
2013 - J.H. Phillips
2014 - C.H. Nidell
2015 - B.R. Hart
2016 - C.A. Swihart
2017 - C.A. Swihart
2018 - C.H. Nidell
2019 - P.J. Sommers
2020 - T.W. Costis
2021 - T.W. Costis
2022 - J.H. Martinez
2023 - J.H. Martinez

Honorary Members

L.W. Bolton *^
W.W. Costis **
C.H. Dunn, Jr. **
R.B. Williams **
L.L. Holbrook, Jr. **
P.H. Fishell *
E.B. Harlow #
A.T. Wood

50/60 Year Members Not Listed Elsewhere

T.G. Evans #
J.P. Jones #
W.E. Kirby ^
W.C. McCalla, II #
R.E. Riggle #
H.A. Whisenant #
* - PM    ** - PDDGM    *** - PGM    # - 50 Year    ^ - 60 Year    ^^ - 70 Year    - Demitted